Effect of precursor powder on microstructure and critical current density of - 2223 tapes 银超导带材的显微结构及临界电流密度的影响
For current densities above the critical current density , the vortices ( the small nonsuperconducting regions of the sample ) start to slip or move 一旦这些区域开始移动,能量就会损耗,也就是说材料的电阻值不再为零。
The critical current density of pure mgb2 is comparable to that of triniobium tin at low magnetic fields but falls off much more rapidly at higher fields 在低磁场下,硼化镁的临界电流密度与三铌化锡相当,但是在较高的磁场下却下降得很快。
Currently one of the major challenges associated with making mgb2 a useful superconducting material is to increase its critical current density at higher magnetic fields 要将硼化镁制成有用的超导材料,目前最主要的挑战之一,就是如何在较高的磁场下增加临界电流密度。
The calculations axe based on the equation of current motion with temperature and field - dependent critical current density , and the heat dissipation produced by flux motion in the normal state region and the superconducting state region 此计算基于电流运动方程,考虑到电流密度是温度和磁场的函数,考虑到在正常区和超导区由磁通运动产生的热耗散。